Thursday, January 27, 2011

Protecting Backsplash From Oil

Lety came to the house and received Chicharito Silvia. Silvia
: Where were you sister? Lety
: (nervous and a little upset) I went for a walk
Silvia: well ... up and go to swim
Lety: why? Silvia
: Javier spoke and said he would come for us to go to dinner at one of his fellow
manu Lety: (confused) is bn (up to lety bathing. Fer got home, he felt bad for having deceived, lasted a few hours in his living room pondering what he had done, after a while your cell phone rings, answer it was her mother, Mrs. Amalia Monterroso).
Fer: good? Amalia
: son? do not you come for me at the airport, I have more than an hour here waiting
Fer: Mother, forgive me, I had completely forgotten, I'm just Aya (Fer went to the airport, picked up his mother and returned home on the road, Ms. Amalia reproached his son for having forgotten it was coming)
Fer: I'm sorry mom is that I had problems
Amalia: what problems you may have to be more important than your mother
Fer: mother, coming and coming and you're scolding me
Amalia: You're right son .. sorry and well what has my child?
Fer: study y. ..
study Amalia: And how is my other child ___?
Fer: (nervous) bn! Amalia
: how good (Fernando and his mother arrived at the house. It was dark, Chicharito came home to pick up his girlfriend and her sister to go to dinner, meanwhile, you walked aimlessly through dark streets it seemed you were disconnected from this world, you were crying, I felt terrible, no one was sincere you)
You: (crying) nobody loves me, nobody, my uncles, or even my own father Fernando, no. The only one I wanted you your mama, mama, why did not go with you? In these moments I need you mom, your comfort, I no longer want to be here anymore, mommy, take me, take me (in that returned to give you chest pain, but this time with more intensity, you fell unconscious to the ground. Later went through the street your friends in the car of Elizabeth and I were thrown)
Eli: look there is someone
pulled Jane: who will? Nora looks like a boy
: we help (The three girls fell on his car, came to you and realized it was you)
jane: it is ____
Eli: (doin 'waking up with little slaps) ____!!____!! awake! Nora
Eli is dead: do not even have a pulse (help me upload it to the car to take him to hospital, among the three I got in the car, and headed for the central hospital, estamdo there, the doctors treated you and led you to therapy intensive to analyze what you had. Eli called the university to give him the number of your father, the receptionist gave him the rectory, then called Leonard and told him you were in the central hospital, Leonardo went like lightning to nurse, then Eli tambn called Fernando and told him the same, Fernando was with his mother, he told her what happened and they went to the hospital. Mrs. Amalia was very worried about you, she loved you, not only as his hierno but as a child. Leonardo called your uncle, these tambn became worried and went to the hospital, but before leaving his son left a note saying that when they were returned to the hospital. A couple of hours later, Chicharito, Silvia and Lety got home, Silvia read the note, the three were concerned not know what happened, then went to the hospital. Arriving, the three realized that your friends, your boyfriend and his mom, and dad Staba very worried)
Javier: Dad what happened?
Uncle: Your cousin is in hospital
Silvia: why what happened?
Aunt: I do not know, we are looking (at it get a doctor)
doc: ___ Hernandez family (they all approached the doctor)
Leo: what happens to my child's doctor?
Doc: ____ situation is very serious, maybe ... MAY DIE


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