Friday, January 28, 2011

Can Coffee Table Be Far From Couch

All were shocked and saddened to hear the bad news from the doctor.
Eli, but why say that is going to die? Do you have?
Doc: have heart problems .. someone in your family suffers or suffered from heart problems? Uncle
(somewhat sad) yes, the grandfather and mother ____ murireron for heart problems
Doc: a ___ tambn affected him, what he has is a very rare inherited disease since there are very few cases like this
Leo : (With tears) can not do anything to save my child's doctor?
Doc: No, sir ... well we can operate the heart, but it's a very long and complicated operation, ___ may die during the operation there is only a 15% chance to survive, they want to realize the operation?
Leo: (desperate) yes, please do your best to save my son
Doc: estábn, tomorrow morning I operare, but I promise anything, I can only say that if they believe in God, Rezene por___ because only a miracle could save him (the doctor retired, everyone was very sad for your Situació, Fernando Staba sad yet felt guilty about what you spent, your uncle was very sorry for having been mean, your dad did not want to lose again and Chicharito felt that his whole body was consumed within, the love of his life was about to die. Later your friends are gone, the three were very sad, then told that they would know what had happened to you. In one of the corridors of the hospital, your uncles and Javier were very worried and sad)
Uncle: (sad and talking with your aunt) no woman why these tragedies occur, my nephew suffers from the same disease that took my uncle and my cousin is going to die, will die
javier: (angry and sad) shut Dad did not say that, my cousin has to live
Uncle: but the doctor said there is only a 15% chance to survive the operation
Javier: you want to die vd? as well and would not have a homosexual in the family Aunt
: Javier shut, how do you say that? Uncle
: even hesitate, I want to ____ like a son of mine (Javier retired without uttering a word and went to another aisle alone, there sat in a chair that was there and began to mourn I felt that you, your love, is leaving for good, lasted for a while crying, then he sees his sister and goes to him)
Silvia, Oh brother, did not know the situation of our cousin would affect you, look you made a bad tear
Javier: (crying) I do not want to die Silvia, do not want ... is that I love, and without him my life has no meaning
Silvia: (desconsertada) what?! how you love him?
Javier: Yes sister, Lety was right, I'm in love with him ___ and me, but I do not think (in that Lety is about and hear the conversation between Silvia and Chicharito, so he decides to hide behind a wall to listen)
Silvia: How do you know he loves you? (Chicharito told him that was between you two, Silvia was surprised, I never imagined, but as a good sister and friend, Javier supported. In that Lety is about and says)
Lety: never told me why Javier?
Javier: (scared) I did not want .. no .. I reject
Lety: I would have understood, if you loved me I would have gladly left free, the only thing I have to say is that I support you in your preferences.
Javier: Gracias (Lety gave a abrazoa Javier and left, walking Fernando encountered who felt guilty, Lety approached him, told Fer)
Fer: I feel guilty Lety if nothing had happened so Lety
step: you have no blame for anything Fernando ,____ is a hereditary disease that eventually I was going to effect (this is about Ms. Amalia and go to Lety, greets)
Amalia: Lety
goodnight, goodnight
Fer: Mom ... I present to Lety Amalia
a friend: Lety
happy: Mrs.


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