Friday, June 8, 2007

How To Disable A Fortiguard Web Filtering


Card games such as Kind Humand or Myths and Legends, I think, are something that language teachers should take into consideration, especially for those of us interesanmos in the area of \u200b\u200bteaching / by the media.

Some aspects that I can think might work, eg

  • From a broad perspective, the relationship between text and visual / written text. In this case, what the character says in his description, and how what they say is related to the language of images.
  • In general, reflection on representations, such as stereotypes figures female.
  • More specifically, the theme of the hero and epic poetry in general, which usually connects with the development of argumentative discourse in the middle third, in the Chilean curriculum. In my case, my nephew said to me that of all the letters, the hero he would Luis Carrera , because fighting for their libertarian ideals, and Julio Cesar not be a hero, because "it is only an emperor" .
Personally, I figure that caught my attention is Mariano Egaña , some questions that occur to me: is Egaña a heroic figure? What kind of hero is? What kind of companies that character can be labeled a hero? Why is next to Julio Cesar and Takeda Shingen ? Who is Shingen Takeda? Is it real or Ficitio? Is it a myth or legend? And what belongs culture? etc, etc.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Happened To Long Dong Silver

September 1912.

Lately I've run several games that can be grouped under the concept of " Newsgame " which as the crow flies can be defined as a type whose action online game information is related to news or public, y que puede tomar varias modalidades, conforme a los géneros ya establecidos dentro del formato de los videojuegos.

Entre todos estos me llamó la atencion September 12 , cuyo autor, Zach Whalen , describe de la siguiente forma:

is interesting to see the divergent views in September 1912 has resulted in those who play. For example:

  • "This game is perfect. Displays perfectly war, are all terrorists we kill."

  • "This game is good, but it would have been better if instead of missiles was a sniper, and not take so long to shoot after a shot."

  • "Awesome, a perfect example of how Bush's war sucks."

  • "The author of this game was a horrible attempt to try to discredit the war on terror. It appears not understand much of what is happening outside your room. Must be a crazy anti-war."
If you are interested give a vistzo the click here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

How To Put On A Valance On A Bed


Ariz Raquel, my unequal student, I noticed the other day about Second Life, that kind of environment or virtual world that grows steadily, not only network but also as an economic system as he explained its creator in a recent interview.

acknowledge that I could not even give me a tour of Second Life, because my pc running windows is not the "optimal" , although at the moment does not call me too much attention: in any case, it appears that, despite his fame, still has relatively few followers on the Web


struck me these lines from my student blog: Very off was my guilty pleasure, that of leisure that or my virtual model meant something terrible ... or the time when I entertained myself watching the visiting Habbo Hotel . So I went for a walk.

Interestingly, Miss Ariz.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Cost Of A Haircut At Jcpenney

"Culture huachaca" Instructions for the ppt. The work of Kandinsky

groups and His themes:

  1. huachaca culture is not Western or popular.

    Veronica Fuentes, Karina Martinez, Renato Narvaez, Kathy Sepulveda.

  2. huachaca culture where it is immobilized

    Marilyn Palma Marjorie Opazo Barbara Rebolledo, Daniela Alarcón.

  3. huachaca culture is easy. Jennifer

    Atlagic, Clau Ocampo, Jubsey Torres, Paula Reyes.

  4. huachaca culture is emotional.

    Salgado Nataly, Natalie Escobar, Nataly Lagos, Sofía Zapata, Tamara Diaz, Evelyn Vidal.

  5. huachaca culture is fragmentary

    Miguel del Pino, Karen Silva, Pablo Soto, Alejandra Toloza Cristián Sanhueza.

  6. huachaca culture is metallic

    Lissette Godoy, Roxana Nuñez, Gonzalo Marín.

  7. huachaca culture is elusive.

    Felipe Fernández, Patricio Yañez, Daniela Rivera Daniela Seguel, Ingrid Ocampo.

Chapter 6: The seven components of culture huachaca. in Huneeus, P.: (2000) huachaca culture.

And finally, a sample video of the most representative of our cultural huachaques.



Friday, April 27, 2007

Bbq Sandwich Calories

for next Friday.

s alumn @ s:


this document.
2 .- Choose a color.
3 .- Construct a brief presentation PowerPoint, que se relacione con el color elegido. La presentación debe tener entre 5 y 10 diapositivas.
4.- Considere ampliar la información inicial del texto de Kandinsky consultando otras fuentes.

Seria bueno que revisaran este sitio para buscar imágenes relacionadas con cada color. Se trata de una aplicación que permite navegar y bajar imágenes de los usuarios de Flickr, a través de una paleta de colores y un menú de temas.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pain In Ears When Drinking Alcohol

Was it real or not real?

Respecto a la tarea que les propuse el viernes pasado, veamos los resultados.

El e-mail del estudiante enfermo de cáncer es un "hoax" ; nos basta con buscar su RUT en Internet para encontrar información connected with the case.

The second mail is much more complex. The first information on the case dating from February 1, 2007 and comes from Asturias. : "Why February 1? Because that day will come in Paris, the new report of the expert group of UN climate. This event will take place in the neighboring country should not miss this chance to turn projects on the urgency of the global climate. "

Refining the search, we find more information: A blog on atinachile , Argentina another blog, a fotolog pair.

Finding "lights out" in the news google specific data delivery. Most important, in my view, the proposal by the senators to turn off the lights Chilean Congress, "if it approves the draft agreement submitted by seven senators socialists who asks the Senate to join the campaign to turn out the lights as a gesture of concern about energy consumption and its relation to climate change. " The newspaper "La Segunda" also reports "a mail proposed that on Tuesday April 17 from 19:53 pm to 20:00 pm and turn off all the lights that you used to give a respite to the planet Earth "

So we could say that this second e-mail was much more credible than the former, although in both cases text structure and its aspects discursive were similar. In any case, we can not say it's "real", but consistently materialized between various levels of Chilean society (bloggers, politicians, mass media, etc).

In all this, the question arises: is it worth know if the information we receive is real or not, or at least reliable?

Personally, I think so. The best example of the consequences of not proceeding in a somewhat more analytical with the information circulating is the incident of Pinochet gold " and the dismal performance of our chancellery.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Melanotan 2 And Cipralex

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Victor Vidal <***********>
Date: 20-Apr-2007 8:48
Subject: [Fwd: ONE FOR THEM .... THANKS]
To: David Astete <***********>, Derna <***********> Arias, evelyn vidal < ***********> Araneda, Margarita Aguilar <***********>, Nelson Osorio < ***********>


--------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Carmen Del Pino <***********>
To: olga perez guajardo < ***********>, Boris Peña Leyton <***********>, Victor Vidal <*********** >, fabiola <***********> medel, Yovani Gonzalez <***********>, Gladys <***********> Moraga, Moraga Maritza <***********>, Marta Ramos <***********>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 6:01:46 -0400 Subject
and shipping charges. Thanks

Hello, my name is Jaime Andaury want to tell you that I am a student of Business Engineering
PUCP Ruth is my and my
Role 15098059-3 UCV is for anyone 67348-1 want I really am
check student. Unfortunately I found a cervical cancer that could kill me
within a year. My only wish is my degree, so it is
that the university has supported me by allowing me
titrate 2 semesters before, but the treatments are exhausting and expensive.
to live a little longer and hope for a possibility of salvation, I get three times normal
The point is that the Department of Engineering and Technology, in conjunction with the company
allowed me an extra income through this
chain, and that track this mail and I pay $ 127 per email
open. I do not Spondias chains or even read them because I thought
were all lies, but ironically now I can save your life.
Just do believe in Santa and send to those who may not have to be
10 or 20, just what uedas do.

I'll be very grateful and my family. Simply copy and send

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Maximus Ii Formula Intel Q9550

From: Diego Contreras Gonzalo Lizarralde
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:15 AM
Subject: [Fwd: I hope you can all ... Marcela Quevedo]

-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

All candles! The

April 17, from 19:53 h to 20:00 h.

Proposes to delete all lights to give a respite to the planet (The proposal
reborn from Caracas).
If the answer is massive, energy saving can be brutal. The
global warming is affecting us all / as ...
Only 7 minutes to see what happens, takes a while to stop, a stop to
remember that internet is very powerful and can do something big.
Share the news! PLEASE

not forward this message, copy and paste the text into a new message to
not create user lists for spam,

only take a few seconds more .... THANKS.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Can I Buy Everclear Alcohol In California

Personal Media: a reply. Toy

Shigeru Miyagawa, a professor of linguistics and communication at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, argues in one of its courses the concept of Personal Media or Personal Media, " a media digital pop, incorporating interactivity into its design, which allows users not only consume media products, but also create . " This concept allows us to integrate the now famous Fotolog as a means of communication, both for analysis and for educational use.

Some loose ideas about the format:

  1. is primarily phatic, users use it to keep in touch with people asynchronously, allowing it to maintain the connection but without going into further discussions, as would instant messaging system as messenger.
  2. It relies on the image, whether personal or not the dialogical usually predominates over the descriptive.
  3. is a place where prevailing playfulness and where he builds a "personality" through the collection and sharing data.
  4. It general use of language is anything but standard .
  5. also has a serious side; communities can generate, as was already shown in the march of the penguins .
fotologs Some that caught my attention:

To complete this introduction, Daniel Cyrano , Flickr user , community of amateur photography, exposes some interesting differences between this community and Fotolog.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Under Sink Towel Pedestal Rail Or Bar

new and a little theory for the course. Tsunami false

recently discovered the site Slideshare , another example of social software, in this case, we can insert a PowerPoint presentation on blogs and other digital writing surfaces and, obviously, share them with others.

So I want to leave here, a trial, the presentation that we have been using for our lectures.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

How Much Is My Kienzle Clock Worth?

The January 17, 2005 the rumor of a tsunami approaching the coast of Chile caused panic among the population of the intercom.

While the official investigation was never consistent or clear in their results, we can discuss some things about the case.

First, the "false tsunami" important shortcomings made evident by the population: an inability of individuals to interact with itself (not swayed by the panic), inability to interact with the media (see no information on the Internet radio or better), and inability to learn to relate to their environment (look for signs of actual event).

Second, the spread "viral" information, false in this case, the tsunami, mostly relied on what Shigeru Miyagawa called Personal Media , as opposed to the concept of mass media, and tested its effectiveness in the now famous March of the Penguins.

Third, the "false tsunami showed little confidence that the authorities inspired by the population, which was shown when people decided not to return to their homes and stay in the hills for fear of tsunami, even if the political authorities are ensure that fear was unfounded.

Friday, March 16, 2007

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Chronicle of Birth of the Hybrid.

"From the chaotic aftermath of a galactic impact an emerging order different from everything else, a explosion of new ways never seen before. Suddenly, all combinations are possible, animals are fused with other animals. The plants are combined with minerals and objects blend with their ancient ancestors. This is the birth of the hybrid "

Refugee In Senegal 2010

Internet censorship grows. Stereotype

" A study in forty countries, reveals that the use of scissors is spreading to more and more corners, corners, curves and Straight from the Net. "

Are all cases of censorship equal? \u200b\u200bWhat content or activities covered by the censorship? Who applies? Who is affected? your say here.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Navman Smartst Pin 570

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dental Hygiene Salary In Canada

Candidates for the U.S. presidency YouTube

I check the news on new communications strategies candidates to the upcoming U.S. presidential election through the Internet and especially YouTube, which has enabled a space called "You choose" (or You Choose) and allows each candidate to create a "video channel" from which to control the projection of its image in the cybernauts.

Some results obtained so far indicate the interest aroused among users by reviewing the videos of Barak Obama, the newly elected black Democrat as senator and has received over 150,000 visits, the time of this post.

This has been seen as part of "macaca effect", after the candidate for Senator George Allen called "macaca" a young-looking India, which was recorded on video and circulated on the Internet en masse, then reaching traditional media, and causing a scandal of racism. Some moments:

The candidate has a "macaca" at 0:14

Media is responsible for delivering information that adds new dimensions to the understanding. For example, although the candidate says "let's welcome ... welcome to Macaca America," suggesting that the young man who filmed it was an immigrant, watching the news we learn that in fact is a young SR Sidarth U.S. Allen worked as a volunteer for his campaign.

Finally, Allen delivers his own version to the media.

Allen: "If I had any idea that word (Macaca) could be considered an insult to some people somewhere in the world, would never have used, because it is contrary all my beliefs "

Interviewer:" Where's got? ".

Allen:" I just came to me, I thought at the time. "

Interviewer:" You never heard that before? "

Allen: "I'd never heard before."

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Prosti Starring Aubrey Miles

landed in World War II from advertising.

A collection of advertisements / propaganda World War, by Allies. They are very interesting to analyze its rhetoric and content, which emphasizes the benefit to be world future, when the Victoria is reached and peace arrives, and everything technological advances achieved during the war we make life more beautiful and good .

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cervical Mucus Change Menstruation

The Alternative Media and the Zapatista Revolution.

The Sub-Commander Marcos talking about the role of communication in the distribution of world power. A very interesting example which you can talk a lot.

More information about the Zapatistas.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Denise Milani Top Les

Media and its themes. KFC

The themes, the information that is circulated in the media, is important when planning your teaching application. This I have seen in my years as a teacher of "English remedial" for some private university, to the task "to develop an expository text with free theme, most students pick topics invariablemnte more exposicioón media, ie for Chile, the morning after pill and the legalization of abortion, but also-once-the law of divorce and the legalization of marijuana.

This can be seen from a negative or positive, as is, interested in the practice of maintaining a clear observation of the themes that dominate the flow of information in the media, which undoubtedly constitute much of the information "available for sharing" with our students.

Personally, I think climate change is one of the issues "is news, and also opens a intersante opportunity to reflect on the crisis of the scientific discourse as objective truth, with the polarization of scientific opinion on the issue.

In that sense, this BBC report is especially good for the quantity and quality of links included in it.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Sidekick Lx 2009 Hack

II: On animal cruelty. KFC

A social role of the media, the complaint in this case graphics, and none other than Pamela Anderson.

Willa Tarnów W Tarnowie

I: Advertising in context.

Here is a selection of some commercials for Kentucky Fried Chicken at different times and places. Eye

some links no longer work.

1970: Visit Colonel Sanders

Slogan: "Why cook?"

1971: Forget the pressure

Canada: alienated submission to fried chicken.

1978: It's nice to feel so good with a meal

1980: We the chicken

Afroamerica appears.


East Kentucky in China (look at the difference is that the dams)

for breakfast ...

Japan, 2005. Loving


Thursday, February 1, 2007

Bloons Addicting Games

On the computer graphics in the media.

Sergio Mahugo, which dictates a course in computer graphics of journalism, has a gallery of computer graphics available on Flickr that are part its course. In his blog

there is enough information on the subject and good quality. Needless to say what a blog is very useful especially for students of journalism, but I think that as teachers of communication and English, more than any utility can get the info available. Could, For example, ask our students to create a computer graphics part of a newspaper article, a story, a story-and vice versa, integrating the activity with the subject of art. It's an idea simply a loose cannon.

I leave the gallery and hopefully suggestions.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Amscot Routing Number

9 / 11 and the prospects for the media.

Chatting with a friend, a English teacher, together these videos on 9 / 11, probably the first global media Aconcagua in human history.

talked about the different perspectives or viewpoints that can be drawn from these videos. Some of the most interesting were:

The beginning.

this marks a before and after on the same event. It is something like a narrator witness, whose vision is focused on a fact and then jump to another, of greater importance.

Here the fact has already been "captured" by the sight of the media that transmit and process it "live" (there is the news), appears to be a local, in a kind of American Morning, a "good morning to all." Interestingly, reporter interviewed about the attack to Pedestrians pass by the street, completely out of information.

The second plane.

Now the prospect of going away, and witnesses observed the events distant from their everyday dimension, then another plane crashed. "WTF Is That ?"... nobody knew anything.

Also, a closer, a "foreign" capture what happened. It would be nice to know what language are habblamdo

And now the same event from a helicopter of the media. Emphasizes the coldness of the speaker, a real machine:

"Oh look .. if they can see that right now we have another explosion ..."


A first-person perspective of the first tower collapse

and media perspective of the same act, broadcasting from FOX.

Finally, a much more distant from the study: "There Are no-words."

Finally, the prospect of Hollywood.

or the show itself.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Cigna Dental Plans Dhmo Or Ppo


This work is the translation of verbal text to visual text of a recipe for fresh figs with honey.

Is the process useful as an exercise for our students? If so, you might think on how to make a didactic visual thinking, which involve interdisciplinary work with visual designer, an architect or better yet, and would also be focused (As I imagine) to students of different pedagogies.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mortician License Colorado


an advertisement to sell warplanes.

"Grippen, the wings of your nation."

Friday, January 19, 2007

Unpopped Popcorn Calories

But the war on

A recent news said that U.S. tobacco companies have 11% more nicotine in snuff during the past 10 years, increasing the effectiveness of this device to create addiction.

On the other hand, we have the current position of the Chilean state, to stop the consumption of snuff through the anti-advertising on cigarette packs, with the now famous case Don Miguel .

However, these and other governmental actions have already generated some controversy , and as the subject interests me, I leave one of the blog on variations on Don Miguel.