Sunday, April 22, 2007

Pain In Ears When Drinking Alcohol

Was it real or not real?

Respecto a la tarea que les propuse el viernes pasado, veamos los resultados.

El e-mail del estudiante enfermo de cáncer es un "hoax" ; nos basta con buscar su RUT en Internet para encontrar información connected with the case.

The second mail is much more complex. The first information on the case dating from February 1, 2007 and comes from Asturias. : "Why February 1? Because that day will come in Paris, the new report of the expert group of UN climate. This event will take place in the neighboring country should not miss this chance to turn projects on the urgency of the global climate. "

Refining the search, we find more information: A blog on atinachile , Argentina another blog, a fotolog pair.

Finding "lights out" in the news google specific data delivery. Most important, in my view, the proposal by the senators to turn off the lights Chilean Congress, "if it approves the draft agreement submitted by seven senators socialists who asks the Senate to join the campaign to turn out the lights as a gesture of concern about energy consumption and its relation to climate change. " The newspaper "La Segunda" also reports "a mail proposed that on Tuesday April 17 from 19:53 pm to 20:00 pm and turn off all the lights that you used to give a respite to the planet Earth "

So we could say that this second e-mail was much more credible than the former, although in both cases text structure and its aspects discursive were similar. In any case, we can not say it's "real", but consistently materialized between various levels of Chilean society (bloggers, politicians, mass media, etc).

In all this, the question arises: is it worth know if the information we receive is real or not, or at least reliable?

Personally, I think so. The best example of the consequences of not proceeding in a somewhat more analytical with the information circulating is the incident of Pinochet gold " and the dismal performance of our chancellery.


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