Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lia Sophia Party Invite


all suspicions fall on whether to fire once harvested the wheat and then plant soybeans .
The firefighters are tired of the fire are asked not loose that whatever bad intentions, the fire must apagarlo.Los firefighters accused lack of diesel to move and municipal inaction to stop the arson and monitor the area.
Now firefighters have promised us that go to the area, we hope to be, but suspect that within a short time arsonists will act again without any control by the municipal authorities.
This Friday first of January in the absence of firefighters neighbors Federal Housing Plan and members of Neighbors to the nuclear center decided to cross to put out the raging fire that broke out in the Laguna de Rocha ..
On the evening of January 1 on the parcel abutting the street Chimondegui flames began to crackle in the dry ends of wheat harvested by the company Creaurban, after repeatedly call the fire department and saw the flames emerging advancing from south to north and taking height of 60 cm, wet bags, shovels, picks, water bottles and buckets crossed in front of the Reserve to the rescue Historical and after half an hour off the fiery front advancing toward the wild flora and logging.
A group of about 30 people armed with what they found in their homes came spontaneously to end the fire.
fires had been going on since yesterday and claimed many victims of animal life Wetland which pups were found dead frogs enclosed by fire.
We had the opportunity to save frogs that sfixiadas could no longer jump and take to the green.
Then off the fire and firefighters arrived to investigate a van and left. Municipal authorities
accessories with the pickers do not act at any time and let the neighbors, as in the Middle Ages, we must organize and act on the extinction of species in the lagoon. The Municipality is informnado
since September plantations outside area to use corn to groquímicos and not only did not intervene to stop the harvest but give way to the company that is violating the code of urban planning at Esteban Echeverría grow outside the area and the provincial constitution to extinguish the biodiversity in the Historic Reserve.
In this laissez-faire and do not enforce laws endangers the public to address priority private gain. The effects are devastating
from sowing where neighbors claimed to see the wheat planted after "the spread of chemicals through a sprayer machines as early as September," not alerted the residents of the danger of these herbicides s avalanche by local authorities "felt 're strong smells and days "and a neighbor said that her child cancer patients after this crop has to live in that state was allergies and symptoms that doctors are studying."
I suspect is that the camp harvesters of the company involved to extinguish the fire or worried about the people and that he set fire to wheat was harvested and was not standing.
is known that in the field sometimes burned after harvest, a practice that should not be practiced in a Wetland high bio diversity. harvested surfaces are hotbeds of fire when they take part of the dried plant, whereas the native flora that is wet is more resistant to fuego.por Creaurban company that predisposes the area for fires to modify it.
wherever it comes from the origins of the flame is intentional since before harvest never caught fire. These fires are a serious danger to people traveling on the die area burned if caught off guard, especially children. The company created
aurban cult i n is tr igo and soy out of area, recreation area, just across the street in front Chimondegui, thousands of residents in urban areas. Laguna de Rocha and his property is not rural, so the crops directly affect people's health and lives of animals. Pesticides used
kill life in the largest wetlands in the metropolitan area where 50% of all bird species in the province of Buenos Aires and endangered species worldwide as the coypu and the black-necked swan species of flora as well as the gorse and logging.
The government acts by default for enterprise and poperjuicio ecosystem and population. We urge the Mayor Fernando
Gr ay stop looking the other way q ue l licks the company order Cr eaurban p ara to stop and never harvest more crops are conducted in the wetland.
Creaurban company is one of the worst predators in the Laguna de Rocha using the wetlands for GM crops and housing schemes in addition to filling the pretense of industrial centers throughout its length from East to West.

neighbors of the Ezeiza Atomic Centre adjacent to the Environmental Assembly


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