Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quicksilverscreen Peter Pan


request intervention to prevent that cut wheat crop native flora Historic Reserve Laguna de Rocha, the crop is imminent
District VI, AR 815 plots, 815 aw, Section VI, 815 AF, 815 e, 815 AF-owner Esteban Echeverría District Creaurban-culture outside area is not rural. Area of \u200b\u200bgreat biodiversity.
In an area of \u200b\u200bat least one hundred acres in the field of development Creaurban Real Estate is cultivating large areas of wheat has been planted on some native plants in danger of extinction and removing suitable habitat and food for wildlife species in Laguna de Rocha.
This plantation violates the 8912 Act and land use that is not rural.
Wheat and other cereals can be planted only in rural areas
This culture has the additional problem that if you get to reap also cut all native plants that grew and intermingled and even more: it will cause the killing of animals living in the area sown. In the plots
AR 815, 815 aw, fracciónVI, 815 AF, 815 ae. behind the federal plan housing.
Both municipal and provincial authorities are already alerted under 042518 record for the same purpose of alerting on cultures outside the zone, newly planted seemed festuca.Si was damaging the pasture right now is proving that wheat is not only harmful but are clearly outside zone, because it is an agricultural crop, planted rural area, so you must act by preventing the occurrence of the crop and therefore the killing of animals.
This failure and lack of municipal control is unacceptable and we demand to act quickly to save the flora and fauna and call to order the company that makes crops Creaurban outside area.
affected plots cultivation are among the highest biodiversity-holders in the area, to the naked eye are detected terrestrial animals, squirrels, coypu, guinea pigs among others, waterfowl, ducks of various species, cuervillos, lapwings, chimangos, owls, hawks, flowers wild bird, federal, and endangered plant in the "Rose of Rio" and the much-aw cable behind the busway in E1 area (entertainment), area lakes. Lord Mayor Fernando Gray
you promised to protect the area and enforce the law has to do it now, when we still have time. Soon the harvest
threat of death.
hope that the authorities will match the circumstances that are already aware. Creaurban
And the company will see that wield dominion over the earth loose does not mean the destruction of the remaining wetland habitat's largest conurbation which already has positive opinions on conservation in OPDS, Ecology Committee of the Province of HCD Bs, As, and the health ministry and National.
If this is not enough to look at the Provincial art. 28 of the Constitution.
also features performances by the Office of the people of the nation: 7360/08 "Padilla Echeverry Application for action related to the scope of the legislation that declares the Historical Reserve of Rocha lagoon, processed jointly with N º 5051/08 performance "Padilla Echeverry Control enforcement by the Supreme Court ruling in act.9924/02 ..."
And exp. 2400-6739/09 No Provincial Directorate of Territorial Planning, which specifies "having taken due note of complaint has been raised during the transfer of the same copy of the proceedings by the municipality of Esteban Echeverría to the department as the principal executive of the knowledge of their territory, aware and raise the relevant information "should be noted that the Secretariat Des. Urban and housing, "" a body of implementation and monitoring of Disc. Law No 3912/77 T: O 3389/87 of Zoning and land use and current municipal planning rules have the validation of the Provincial Executive Branch (art 83 th Dto.Ley 8912/77).
Private companies should take social responsibility and ecological well as municipal authorities. NEIGHBORS

surrounding neighborhoods EZEIZAASAMBLEA the atomic center ESTEBAN ECHEVERRIA ENVIRONMENTAL
environmental forum Aires


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