Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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The "Laguna de Rocha" is located in the district of Esteban Echeverría and occupies a large area of \u200b\u200b1000 hectares of which approximately 300 are ponds.
Its boundaries are: East streets Engineer Eduardo Huerta, Sierra de Fiambalá and Our Falklands.
Southern: Los Andes, Avenida Tomás Herminio Constanzó and Fair.
West: Avenida Jorge Newbery, the Wye and Richard B. Newton.
North: Highway Richieri and Rio Matanza.

The "Laguna de Rocha" is characterized as a site of historical value immersed in a natural environment, contains a natural landscape of great beauty and has a wealth of flora and fauna. It is an archaeological and paleontological site cultural and scientific value.
provides nesting sites, shelter and food to communities that live and contains the following species listed in the list of the "Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)" National Law 23,918, all these belonging to Appendix 2, migratory species to be covered by agreements:

"Appendix II lists migratory species which have an unfavorable conservation status and which require International agreements are concluded for conservation "So the" Laguna de Rocha "offers the" habitat "means any area within range of a migratory species that provides the necessary living conditions for the species in question . The following species have been surveyed in the Laguna de Rocha:
black-necked Swan, Duck cappuccino barcino Pato, Pato Picazo, corn Duck, Northern Shoveler, Mallard, Black-headed Duck, Snail Kite, Sparrowhawk sailplane, Gavilán ashen black-necked swan (1 *) Tagutó common Carancho, Chimango, common Tero, Tero real collar Plover, American Kestrel.
previously named species in (CMS) in the Reserve Historical "Laguna de Rocha"

The ecosystem "Laguna de Rocha" has also been relieved of a complaint from the neighbors to see the anthropogenic pollution of streams by the Secretariat of Environmental Policy the Province of Buenos Aires in August 2004 survey conducted by the management of biodiversity with the presence and Mulvany Ayddé Susana assessment which concluded that: "The ecosystem surveyed and sampled works as a reservoir of biodiversity, with this important addition recharge value and the historical, cultural and anthropological importance that the area has "and that" the banks from the area there settlements that are subject to the consequences of the presence of contaminants and in this sense it is concluded that measures should be implemented to preserve the water body and not to move the existing pressures and impacts and would audit and monitor the generators of toxic that not only endanger the environment but to the people. "

In the study by Professor Dante Teglia and fellows of the Higher Institute of
teacher education No. 35 of Esteban Echeverría, which is ongoing, has determined that Laguna de Rocha
corresponds to an environment of lakes and wetlands that are richest in biodiversity
they support. It is possible to find flora and fauna of
Las Pampas wetlands. , There is no single body of water, but a chain of small and medium
Mirrors. Comprises 300 acres, surrounded by 700 hectares of forests and meadows
wild and originates from a spring of brackish water and two fresh water.
This research describes the banks develop wetlands, characterized by the presence of cattails (Typha latipholia) reeds (Schenoplectus calfornicus) and other marsh plants. The water body is partly covered by a layer of floating vegetation, mainly water Lentejitas (Lemna sp.) Shaking up within water bodies can also be found submerged vegetation as a fox tail (Ceratophyllum demersum), Gambarusa (Myriophyllum elatinoides), elodea, and others. Grass, water plump, Creole Sauce, shins, water ferns
Etc. Different plant communities determine different environments which are used by wildlife as habitat for feeding or resting area, shelter and nesting. Numerous species of fish, amphibians and invertebrates and reptiles and semi-aquatic habits living in the lagoon.
Among the abundant fish community the sisters of the river, barrefondos or tacks and eels.
Among the abundant invertebrates are several species of freshwater snails, Ampularia, abundant water fleas and insect species.
Among mammals, the coypu (Myocastor coipus) and guinea pigs are the most common among reptiles and amphibians can be found pond turtles, frogs, frog of the bush, common toad, toad in the caves ...
vertebrate group most represented in both numbers of individuals
As is the variety of species of birds, egret, Garza mora,
Biguá, Cuervillo of the canyon, Snail, Barillero yellow wing, grebes, coots
, caraos , Pato cappuccino, Pato Siriri, snail kite, Pato corn, Jacana, Tero, Tero real, Thrush, Goldfinch, Benteveo, Homer, Carancho, Alconcito among other birds, which are distributed to different areas prescribed by the vegetation resources exploring different ways to lessen competition.

The Pampas grasslands occupy large areas, which are flowering period covered in violet white Plumerillos undulating in the breeze. The cortadera (Cortaderia selloana) is a grass of great size, resistant to both fires and floods. The Cortaderal contains a variety of animal life. The tangle of rices, trailing stems and leaves and caves provide shelter for small rodents and snakes and a variety of invertebrates. The spikes provide food and perches for many birds, hawks, sparrows, finches, thrushes, benteveos, bakers, blackened and goldfinches. Also provides habitat tegu lizards, green snake, hawk glider, mavis, Churrinche, mice ...

Residents call for the protection of the area of \u200b\u200b
Historical Reserve "Laguna de Rocha"
included in the system of Protected Areas in the Province of Buenos Aires. Through
10907 law of nature reserves.


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