Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quicksilverscreen Peter Pan


request intervention to prevent that cut wheat crop native flora Historic Reserve Laguna de Rocha, the crop is imminent
District VI, AR 815 plots, 815 aw, Section VI, 815 AF, 815 e, 815 AF-owner Esteban Echeverría District Creaurban-culture outside area is not rural. Area of \u200b\u200bgreat biodiversity.
In an area of \u200b\u200bat least one hundred acres in the field of development Creaurban Real Estate is cultivating large areas of wheat has been planted on some native plants in danger of extinction and removing suitable habitat and food for wildlife species in Laguna de Rocha.
This plantation violates the 8912 Act and land use that is not rural.
Wheat and other cereals can be planted only in rural areas
This culture has the additional problem that if you get to reap also cut all native plants that grew and intermingled and even more: it will cause the killing of animals living in the area sown. In the plots
AR 815, 815 aw, fracciónVI, 815 AF, 815 ae. behind the federal plan housing.
Both municipal and provincial authorities are already alerted under 042518 record for the same purpose of alerting on cultures outside the zone, newly planted seemed festuca.Si was damaging the pasture right now is proving that wheat is not only harmful but are clearly outside zone, because it is an agricultural crop, planted rural area, so you must act by preventing the occurrence of the crop and therefore the killing of animals.
This failure and lack of municipal control is unacceptable and we demand to act quickly to save the flora and fauna and call to order the company that makes crops Creaurban outside area.
affected plots cultivation are among the highest biodiversity-holders in the area, to the naked eye are detected terrestrial animals, squirrels, coypu, guinea pigs among others, waterfowl, ducks of various species, cuervillos, lapwings, chimangos, owls, hawks, flowers wild bird, federal, and endangered plant in the "Rose of Rio" and the much-aw cable behind the busway in E1 area (entertainment), area lakes. Lord Mayor Fernando Gray
you promised to protect the area and enforce the law has to do it now, when we still have time. Soon the harvest
threat of death.
hope that the authorities will match the circumstances that are already aware. Creaurban
And the company will see that wield dominion over the earth loose does not mean the destruction of the remaining wetland habitat's largest conurbation which already has positive opinions on conservation in OPDS, Ecology Committee of the Province of HCD Bs, As, and the health ministry and National.
If this is not enough to look at the Provincial art. 28 of the Constitution.
also features performances by the Office of the people of the nation: 7360/08 "Padilla Echeverry Application for action related to the scope of the legislation that declares the Historical Reserve of Rocha lagoon, processed jointly with N º 5051/08 performance "Padilla Echeverry Control enforcement by the Supreme Court ruling in act.9924/02 ..."
And exp. 2400-6739/09 No Provincial Directorate of Territorial Planning, which specifies "having taken due note of complaint has been raised during the transfer of the same copy of the proceedings by the municipality of Esteban Echeverría to the department as the principal executive of the knowledge of their territory, aware and raise the relevant information "should be noted that the Secretariat Des. Urban and housing, "" a body of implementation and monitoring of Disc. Law No 3912/77 T: O 3389/87 of Zoning and land use and current municipal planning rules have the validation of the Provincial Executive Branch (art 83 th Dto.Ley 8912/77).
Private companies should take social responsibility and ecological well as municipal authorities. NEIGHBORS

surrounding neighborhoods EZEIZAASAMBLEA the atomic center ESTEBAN ECHEVERRIA ENVIRONMENTAL
environmental forum Aires

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sample Letter Request For Church Use Wedding


After resolving several issues to improve the station and to solve some instances of time, work and health, we're back at last. We never thought to stop broadcasting or to continue the struggle we have for our environment. We at the bottom of the barrel and for you who have supported us both in this just cause for the dignity, respect and love the Mexican dubbing, looking for quality, improved budgeting, casting and adequate allocations, historical memory, and other things help us achieve this goal.

Our opossum producer
the gorilla has fought hard to keep the station raised against all odds, by and for you, we will support him in this new stage to raise QUANTUM MEDIA the quality of content and information that will carry you.

Although tired from the daily grind between work, moving in this crazy city and solve complications of the economy will remain in touch with you, enjoying the company of their comments and direct contact at each convention to which we go.

Toonlandya Tomorrow we return to our program from 6 pm to have much information for you, because everything is moving to Charles II continue to be the voice of Woody in Toy Story. Also new moves by fellow actors and to fight and improve the situation of Mexican dubbing.

Thanks for waiting and patience.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Midnight Club Los Angeles Leclerc

Dear friends, over a year and seven months I have been in contact with you through this blog, reporting, talking, enjoying what is happening in the Mexican dubbing.

Today we are in process of growing and improving this site, we started up audio for you, this time some ring tones and alarm clock. I hope you like them, will soon go up audio also short stories and more ring tones. This is not for profit, but if you must have resources to provide better audio and more information because we want to include more talents of voice actors in this project so if you can and want to support us, you can donate what you want.

You can view information on the right and the beginning of this blog.
Thanks in advance for your support. Graaaciaaaas!!

We went in the struggle for Mexican dubbing.

Monday, November 9, 2009

How Much Staples Charge For Fax


My friends, finally after some problems of work, personal and other issues to resolve, return to base my contact with you to bring some new information. Last weekend I was in 2009 in Nayarit EXPOANIME at the invitation of my dear namesake Javier Garcia at Ka-boom study, Charles II and a server.

So we took on the task of preparing all I have to start the adventure that was most fun and enjoyable.

The Hoacho very happy as we, in his words, Piccolo, James Bond, Woody, the puppy's Telcel and Alf as a driver.

The scenery was wonderful and always out of the routine is a form of energy charge.

wool to remove the booths to pay Charles II began to clean windshield ... hahaha.

After we took him to eat to be replenished and so continue the journey .. jajajaja

Long trip as we left at 12 on Friday and arrived at 11 the night of Nayarit, 12 DF, for there is one hour earlier.

arrived early Saturday to the event at the old airport in Tepic, huge place that gave us the opportunity to meet many fans live and in full color.

order to put the tents had to push the mast and position, but as a convicted weighed .. hahaha.

While Oscar, Susy, aalex, Mary and Hoacho instalábanse, Carlos and I started recording audio, we talk with our fellow actor and friend Victor Ugarte who was also to lecture and sign some autographs .

started to come together people, with this increased heat and Susy in charge of sales melted dying of thirst, but the attention of our friends, have recently arrived was amazing after fresh fruit rich waters.

Firms Here, signatures there and so was passing the time that first day in Tepic, having fun, knowing many people and laughing with Hoacho occurrences.

I believe there is more authentic way of relating to fans, know, live and somehow thank you for all your support, dedication and loyalty to the specialty of the action known as dubbing voices. It has been so humiliated, trampled and desecrated by many fellow actors, directors, entrepreneurs and even the same media. So Charles II and a server are at the foot of the fight for decency and you, the fans get a quality product to match what they deserve.

Victor Ugarte pleased the fans with a great conference with audio, images and videos that we really enjoyed . Victor is a much more professional for these events and is always pleased to see our friends and comañeros grow.

I was impressed with three of the twelve houses of the Zodiac Cabalero You put by hand, I think they're better than you see in the pictures of the cartons of toys.

More signatures sketches here and there, on T-sheets of paper, books, posters, I think we have many friends and fans with some of us, but we we have a lot of them in our hearts.

afternoon was clear and beautiful for the conference would give the first day, first and then KB Carlos and myself.

At night the other day we gave our conference being a success. E total 4 hours between KB and us.

Carlos is insectofóbico and that is to be the sacred in a cricket giant named kills horses, stood very still calling it espantáramos, but we started to take pictures. In the end it took a fan in her hand and we could see better.

Then came the delicious dinner and live together and accomplished the mission.

The next day, Monday morning we were taken to a magical place where we met some Huichol, teachers, shamans, beings of great wisdom, patient and connected to nature and life at all times.

As cultural information, the Huichol live in the cental west of Mexico the Sierra Madre Occidental, their traditional territory comprising four states: Durango, Jalisco, Nayarit and Zacatecas. It is one of Mexico's indigenous peoples that best preserves their beliefs, lifestyles and traditions. The Huichol are dedicated to hunting, the sale of crafts, a planting of beans, but the main economic activity in this town is growing coamil, an activity not intended to trade, but to their own subsistence and is closely connected with religion. Those who are engaged in planting corn sacred variants may participate in religious ceremonies.

Your crafts are amazing, they all had a good time we marvel at what they make, ideas that spring from his mind.

Luis Javier Gutierrez and his girlfriend Karla smiling wonderful hosts led us to Laguna de Santa Maria del Oro, located towards Guadalajara, on the side of the Road.

descended to the shores of Lake Mary to eat at a restaurant .. bulb but hahaha.

Great food, great conversation, all framed by colorful landscapes, power, light and peace.

already back with us saying goodbye to dusk Nayaritas land and waiting for our return next year.