Sunday, March 25, 2007

How Much Is My Kienzle Clock Worth?

The January 17, 2005 the rumor of a tsunami approaching the coast of Chile caused panic among the population of the intercom.

While the official investigation was never consistent or clear in their results, we can discuss some things about the case.

First, the "false tsunami" important shortcomings made evident by the population: an inability of individuals to interact with itself (not swayed by the panic), inability to interact with the media (see no information on the Internet radio or better), and inability to learn to relate to their environment (look for signs of actual event).

Second, the spread "viral" information, false in this case, the tsunami, mostly relied on what Shigeru Miyagawa called Personal Media , as opposed to the concept of mass media, and tested its effectiveness in the now famous March of the Penguins.

Third, the "false tsunami showed little confidence that the authorities inspired by the population, which was shown when people decided not to return to their homes and stay in the hills for fear of tsunami, even if the political authorities are ensure that fear was unfounded.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Drb3675r How To Remove

Chronicle of Birth of the Hybrid.

"From the chaotic aftermath of a galactic impact an emerging order different from everything else, a explosion of new ways never seen before. Suddenly, all combinations are possible, animals are fused with other animals. The plants are combined with minerals and objects blend with their ancient ancestors. This is the birth of the hybrid "

Refugee In Senegal 2010

Internet censorship grows. Stereotype

" A study in forty countries, reveals that the use of scissors is spreading to more and more corners, corners, curves and Straight from the Net. "

Are all cases of censorship equal? \u200b\u200bWhat content or activities covered by the censorship? Who applies? Who is affected? your say here.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Navman Smartst Pin 570

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Dental Hygiene Salary In Canada

Candidates for the U.S. presidency YouTube

I check the news on new communications strategies candidates to the upcoming U.S. presidential election through the Internet and especially YouTube, which has enabled a space called "You choose" (or You Choose) and allows each candidate to create a "video channel" from which to control the projection of its image in the cybernauts.

Some results obtained so far indicate the interest aroused among users by reviewing the videos of Barak Obama, the newly elected black Democrat as senator and has received over 150,000 visits, the time of this post.

This has been seen as part of "macaca effect", after the candidate for Senator George Allen called "macaca" a young-looking India, which was recorded on video and circulated on the Internet en masse, then reaching traditional media, and causing a scandal of racism. Some moments:

The candidate has a "macaca" at 0:14

Media is responsible for delivering information that adds new dimensions to the understanding. For example, although the candidate says "let's welcome ... welcome to Macaca America," suggesting that the young man who filmed it was an immigrant, watching the news we learn that in fact is a young SR Sidarth U.S. Allen worked as a volunteer for his campaign.

Finally, Allen delivers his own version to the media.

Allen: "If I had any idea that word (Macaca) could be considered an insult to some people somewhere in the world, would never have used, because it is contrary all my beliefs "

Interviewer:" Where's got? ".

Allen:" I just came to me, I thought at the time. "

Interviewer:" You never heard that before? "

Allen: "I'd never heard before."